Just a moment...

Ambiguity is a good thing

Reality is rarely simple. If a problem space seems ambiguous, that’s a sign that I’m in the right place for problem solving and innovating ideas. Not only is it a fun challenge to try to untangle the webs and make sense of things, it also feels meaningful and worthwhile knowing that I’m taking the brunt of the complexity and making things more approachable and human for the user.

Designers don’t design experiences, they design for experiences

People think of UX as a job for designing experiences (after all, it’s in the name), but that feels a bit presumptuous to me. Each person has their own unique lived experience. Every day, millions of people wake up and use products differently and under unique contexts. I don’t want to dictate the lives of people - I want whatever I make to be suited for improving their lives.

Usability isn't the only thing that matters.

Usability is obviously an extremely important metric for people to use something well and not be frustrated, but beyond that, I think that designers of digital interfaces are uniquely positioned to spark joy and delight in a person, and in some cases even foster a sense of growth and belonging. If video games can immerse people and get them to genuinely enjoy the process of something, why shouldn’t websites/apps be the same way?

My design headspace

My design headspace

How this belief shapes who I am as a designer...

I thrive in fast-paced, cross-functional teams with high potential for social impact. Embracing ambiguity and healthy constraints fuels my passion for innovation, cross-collaborating with others to break down siloes and drive unique design solutions. Design is not (and should not be) a linear path - I like getting messy with design experimentation and trying out new things, especially in the design of spaces that empower others.

How this belief shapes who I am as a designer...

UX, to me, goes beyond designing experiences; it's about respecting individual lived experiences which begin in the physical world and extend into the digital world. My experience with something will inevitably be different from someone else's. I aim to create digital applications and social spaces that pave the way for fostering convenience, connections, and personal growth, without imposing a one-size-fits-all approach.

How this belief shapes who I am as a designer...

Beyond usability, I believe product designers can uniquely spark delight, and even a sense of growth or belonging. If videos games can provide immersive joy that people seek out, why shouldn't other websites and apps? Drawing from applied social psychology principles for personal fulfillment that I studied extensively in grad school at Carnegie Mellon University, I strive to elevate the lived experiences of those I design for in exciting ways.

Selected projects

Play for People Skills

A social game & guide to motivate and empower students
I explored gamification as a means to motivate high school students, eventually designing an educational social game backed by learning science and compiling a digital design guide for educators.
students setting mindful goals
12th International Educational Games Competition - Shortlisted

3M M*Modal

Improving patient care via the power of AI collaboration
At 3M, I led the end-to-end UX design and research for a family of multimodal AI applications used by hundreds of thousands of clinicians every day to facilitate accurate diagnoses capture.
25% increase
in RAF score capture after redesign
250,000+ clinicians
better connecting with patients

ICPSR Redesign

Revamping a widely used search page
I revamped and modernized the search page for ICPSR, the world's largest collection of social science data, enabling social science researchers to more efficiently find and discover key information.
13:06 mins
prev avg time taken
5:02 mins
new avg time taken for search tasks

ICPSR Search

Overhauling a search page for social science researchers

LF Logistics

Giving transport planners data they need at a glance

Bookstore Simulator

Empowering people to be aware of their own implicit biases

Pixel Art

Just a showcase of my personal hobby outside of design :]

More about me

What got me here

Data scientist turned designer

I started off with a data science background, studying ML and AI.

Third culture kid

Growing up, I never quite fully fit into either American or Chinese culture. I found a sense of belonging through online spaces.

Lifelong learner

In 2022, I decided to go back to school to further explore my interests at CMU's design program, despite already having a full time UX job.

Special interests

Persuasive design

Ethical use of AI

Creator economy

Breaking siloes

Gamification in design

Service design

Innovation & social impact

Design evangelism

Fun & hobbies


Not to brag, but I can whip up some mean eggs benedict and hong shao rou pork belly.

VGM music

A nerd at heart, I love listening to video game soundtracks and replicating them on the piano.

Pixel art

As you can likely tell from this portfolio, I like drawing pixel art outside of work. Check out my work here!